
I am a novice potter who found my love of ceramics recently. The first time I sat at a potter’s wheel was in the spring of 2019 at the Rock Hill Pottery Center. I was 57 years old at the time. Taking classes there was my intro into what I assume will be a rest of my life love of pottery. In September of that year, on a whim, I looked on Craigslist for a wheel. I found one for 100 dollars. Now I know just how lucky that was! After a brief cold stint in the garage, we moved it into our basement and I started accumulating a lot of raw clay pots. Now I needed a kiln. Back to Craigslist, and we found one for only 140 dollars! It is a medium sized kiln that fires up to cone 8 according to the previous owner, but we have stayed at cone 5 and 6.
Since then I have been trying to learn by myself with the help of Youtube. Which has been great! Earth Nation Ceramics has been particularily helpful. I am an older learner, without any special talent, but I have persistance. Most of my attempts have ended up in the recycling bucket, but that ratio is starting to shift.
If I can do it, anyone can do it!

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